Tour Through Blogland

Happy Monday! Today I am excited to be participating in a little Tour Through Blogland, thanks to my friend Chaney. If this is your first time visiting The Gallivant than welcome and thanks for reading! This is how this post works: First I will introduce Chaney, then I will tell you a little bit about myself, and then I am going to introduce two of my favorite bloggers that I am excited for you to check out!

Chaney, from May Richer Fuller Be:

First up, I want to introduce you guys to my friend Chaney, from May Richer Fuller Be! Chaney and I have known each other for a long time via FOCUS, a ministry we have both been involved in forever. I have always really looked up with her, so when I heard that she had started a blog I was so excited to follow along! Chaney focuses primarily on DIY in MRFB, and her projects are super cool and inspiring. I highlighted a couple of my favorites above--her DIY upholstered headboard, and her "sew it yourself" dog bed. It seems like Chaney comes up with a new and creative way to elevate her (always so pretty and cozy) home both ingeniusly and affordably every week! I also love that she writes a lot about organization, and always take notes from those posts. 

Chaney and her wonderful husband Charlie, as well as their adorable dog Jackson, recently moved to Philly from DC. If you are into interior design and DIY I would definitely bookmark MRFB, especially because I smell a lot of great projects coming up given the recent move! To read a bit more about Chaney, head over to her blogtour post here. 

About Me

My husband, John and I got married in December of 2013, and I moved down to Pensacola (where John has been completing Navy Aviation School) shortly after. One thing that has always defined out relationship is our mutual curiosity about the world and love for adventure. I started my blog seven months ago, partially to document our marriage and adventures together, but also because I had realized that there were not many young Navy wives blogging about their experiences living in Pensacola. I have been an active reader in the blog community all through college, and am a writer, so I figured that I may as well attempt to fill a little bit of the void by starting my own blog! One of my hopes for The Gallivant is that other people in the Navy community will read it and realize that life in Pensacola (and wherever we go next) is exciting, and that there are so many neat things to do and get involved in. I also love travel, food, design, art, and entertaining, and adventuring--so I was excited to include those in the blog as well.  I am personally drawn towards the lifestyle niche, so it felt natural that the Gallivant evolved into a lifestyle blog with an emphasis on travel and 'gallivanting.' 

Aside from blogging, I currently work as a freelance writer and editor. I also work part-time at the cutest boutique in Pensacola, and am working on a novel! The more I evolve professionally, the more I identify and am drawn towards the Creative community. I love having multiple projects, and having my hands in a few different things (Sometimes to a fault--I am a chronic over-scheduler.) I believe I was formed by a Creator, won by His son, and when I am creating with my hands (across all sort of mediums--art, words, food, dirt) I feel near to Him. 

What am I working on right now?

Right now I have a massive to-do list that I am slowly chipping away at. In terms of bigger things I am editing a client's novel, wrapping up some work for a local magazine, and researching graphic design as well as social media. I am also working on some fun upcoming posts for the Gallivant, including a home-tour (I said it....automatic accountability. Now I have to do it!) a yummy smoothie recipe, and a recap of the incredible day trip we took yesterday to Seaside and Watercolor. 

How does my work differ from others in this genre?

In the past few years blogging as an industry has really taken off, and as of now it seems like there are hundreds of blogs out there. One of the reasons that I have always loved reading blogs (you can see a list of some of my favorites here and here) is that I feel as though it has expanded my realm of experience and perspective beyond just what is going on in my own bubble of friends and loved ones. Blogging gives people the opportunity to connect around the world. I love that when John and I think about where we could be moving next, I can look up bloggers in San Diego or Virginia Beach, and immediately get an authentic sense of what it is like to live in those places. 

All this being said, it is so easy when blogging (and on any social media outlet really) to stick to the nice and pretty things, and not write about the harder or messy parts of life. This, in turn, can result in a lot of unhealthy comparison. While I love to write about incredible travel experiences, yummy food, beautiful design inspiration, and generally upbeat things--I also am committed to authenticity and transparency, and trying my best to share with my readers what we are learning when things are not quite as easy and pretty. We are young and married, just starting our careers, and meanwhile life is really happening around us. Real life, where money is sometimes tight, tests are failed, fights happen, people get sick, and some days are just discouraging--because our world is broken.  Despite this, I believe firmly in a God who came to redeem this world, and that we will have trouble in this world, but that we will learn from it and be closer to Him--and that makes the hard stuff worth sharing. 

Why do I write/create?

Being able to write and having the capacity and desire to create are gifts that I have been given, and being able to exercise them brings me so much joy! I feel like my mind space expands so much when I am being creative, and I have learned over time that carving out time for that is so important in order for me to feel healthy and balanced. Also, it is SO fun to connect with other people who share similar passions. 

How does my writing/creative process work

Hmmm. Great question. I am still learning what my creative process looks like, and I love reading how other people's works in order to gain inspiration. Recently, I have found that writing out a strict hour by hour schedule as well as a to-do list every evening for the next day really helps me relax when I quit for the day and keeps my mind from spinning. Because I am always juggling a few different projects, growing in discipline and learning what organization techniques work for me has been super important in establishing work flow. I also find that taking breaks to be creative really help me recharge and re-establish focus when I get back to work. Recently I have been practicing hand-lettering for a few minutes when I want a break from writing. My inspiration board is now covered in (very amateur) quotes and verses that are giving me life at that moment. 

Ok so thats me--now a little bit about two of my fave bloggers!

Lindsey from Mac & Marlborough:

I mention Linz all the time over here (because she is my oldest and one of my best friends) but have you guys checked out her blog, Mac & Marlborough yet?! Lindsey started her blog a few months before me, and it has been so awesome to grow our blogs together and trade tips and tricks along the way. (Aka Im constantly asking her questions and she is constantly giving me the best advice.) Mac & Marlborough, named after the street Lindsey and her fiancé Josh live on in Boston and their puggle Mac, is an awesome DIY blog with a little bit of lifestyle thrown in. Some of my favorite posts include the how-to for those sweet elephant bookends, as well as the homemade margarita flower popsicles, and anything they are making with reclaimed wood.  I also love reading about Josh and Lu's adventures around Boston--they go on the best unique dates, and are always inspiring John and I to think out of the box. 

Lindsey is in the new stages of planning her wedding, so heres hoping for some fun wedding posts in the future! Congratulations you two little diy-ing love birds! 

Kimmie from Kimberly Florence:

Kimmie and I became dear friends in college,  and I had the privilege of watching Kim run after her dream of being a professional photographer and launch her business, Kimberly Florence Photography. She is seriously talented, and I love reading her blog posts as much for her gorgeous photos as for the wisdom she shares. Not only does Kimmie share posts about her recent weddings and various engagement and portrait shoots, but she also writes a lot about starting your own business, entrepreneurship, work flow, branding, and always keeping Jesus at the center. Kimmie also writes lovely reflections on whats going on in her life as well as her wedding planning process as she prepares to wed her handsome Andrew in March! Kimmie is a huge inspiration to me, and I have learned so much from watching her grow as a creative and professional. 

If you love beautiful images, lyrical writing, and learning about how other young professionals are achieving their dreams than this is the blog for you! Don't waste a second-- ahead and add Kimberly Florence to your blog roll right now. 


Thanks for reading, friends! I hope you are excited to discover some neat new blogs--I just know that you will love and be inspired by them as much as I am. 



Friday Inspiration

Lake Michigan, Chicago in the background. | Photo: Author

Happy Friday! How was your week? Ours was pretty fantastic. So fantastic that it was humbling, as in nothing of us merited it.

John flew his first flight of Primary! So proud of him. He had the best time up there, and is so pumped to keep moving forward with his flights. We had celebratory Thai last night, and I grabbed a bottle of "Handsome Devil" malbec at Target, on a whim, which ended up being pretty good! He also found out that there is a very good chance that he will have no problem taking leave Labor Day weekend so that we can head up to Vermont to spend a weekend with his family-- Hallelujah!

As for me, I had some great meetings with wonderful people this week, and am branching into new and exciting projects. Earlier in the week I got to be a part of a styled bridal shoot for a magazine, and I have been brainstorming for some fun writing pieces. I feel so grateful to be working with some super talented and inspiring people across the board down here, from smart and savvy boutique owners, to kick-ass editors who wear many other awesome hats. I am learning more and more from them each week. Also, my business cards came in the mail! Very exciting indeed. 

In lieu of normal Friday links, here is a little list of some people, blogs, magazine, and collaborative efforts that are really inspiring me these days:

In short, i'm totally jazzed about creative people coming together to use their God-given talents to collaborate and create these incredible concepts and bodies of work that inspire others around them. 

What are you up to this weekend? We are headed to Chapman, Alabama this afternoon to hang with John's uncle and his wonderful family for a night, and then tomorrow we head to Destin to visit with Flynn Quinn's family for a night! Follow me on instagram @evr_thegallivant to see some snapshots of the weekend. It's gonna be a good one. 




Friday Links + Office Revamp

Happy Friday! I am excited for this weekend, but I am even more excited for next week and having time to sit down and work on this little blog, as well as some other fun writing projects I have going on. I know my picture quality hasn't been quite up to snuff recently, (lots of iphone pics) so I promise that on top of writing more consistent posts I will also whip out my DSLR and get cracking on some better photography!

Today I spent the afternoon revamping our "office" (which is also our guest room) to make it more organized and cozy as I will be spending a lot more time in here in the next few months. I wanted to create a more inspiring space that is both pleasing to look at as well as motivating and functional. I have been seeing tons of cool inspiration boards and techniques all over various blogs and Pinterest lately, and I ended up jumping on the clip-board band wagon. I threw four boards up on the wall, and I am excited to switch out the images on them whenever the mood strikes me. I also put up a pretty new botanical calender that I snagged at Wish Basket a few weeks back, as well as two lovely paintings that one of my dearest friends painted for John and I as a wedding present. (I love being surrounded by the things my friends create--we have such talented friends!) I also snagged some Nate Berkus desk accessories at Target, including a magazine rack, a mini rack I am using for cards and stationary, and a precious little dog tape dispenser. He was so cute...I couldn't resist. 

My productivity/mood/creativity is very influenced by my surroundings, and before I did a little feng shui-ing I just never felt super inclined to utilize our office space. Now, though, I am so excited to sit down and get to work here! What do you think? The last thing bugging me is the space above the middle painting--I was going to put something above it, but now I think I will just move the painting up a few inches tomorrow. 

Thanks for checking in! Have a wonderful and restful weekend. Below are some cool things that I stumbled upon while browsing the interwebs this week. Enjoy!

  • I madethis pasta last night, but subbed spaghetti squash for the zuchinni noodles. It was so good.
  • Love this helpful list of essentials for any room. 
  • I am dying to go to Seattle, and this sounds like a fantastic itinerary. The only thing missing is an afternoon whale watch to see the Orcas!
  • Not that I need an excuse to make an ice cream cake...
  • Has your FB feed been flooded with #icebucketchallenge videos? Have you done it? Here is a little more info about the couple behind it. Yes, its silly. Yes, its for laughs. But is it making a difference? You bet. Lets #strikeoutALS!



P.S. Did you notice Porter Magazine peeking out of the magazine rack? I bought into the hype...and loved it. 

{Gallivant Reads} On Writing

Happy Monday Friends! How was your weekend? It felt like we achieved the perfect combination of spending time with our friends, while also hanging out and relaxing at home, capped off with some great joint cleaning and organizing to start the week off on the right note. Also, funny thing, John and I spent way too much time on Zillow last night exploring real estate options in various places we may live next. Soooo far in the future (at least 1.25 years) but it is fun to dream! 

I have been reading Stephen King's memoir, On Writing,  and wanted to mention it on here because I have been enjoying it so much. Confession: I have never actually read a book by Stephen King because horror isn't really my thing, but I have seen The Shining and Shawshank Redemption. Regardless of whether or not you are a huge fan of Stephen King, though, if you aspire to write than this is a must-read. After all--the guy has been turning out novels for decades. I have found that he writes eloquently about writing itself, as well as being a writer. His suggestions and advice are approachable and practical, plus learning about his process is fascinating. Beyond the writing,  I have been surprised by how interesting his life has been, and particularly enjoyed reading about life before his big break and where his motivation comes from. I haven't finished On Writing yet, but I have read enough that I would strongly recommend it. Let's just say that every time I put it down I feel that fire to write. Eureka! 

On a totally different note--lets hear it for easy week-night dinners! Nothing beats getting home from work at 5:30 and knowing that dinner is going to be delicious, quick, healthy, and easy to make. We had this for dinner last night, and it was so yummy. Totally scratched the take out itch, but was 10 million times better for us! It's only Monday so you have plenty of time to go out, grab the ingredients, and whip it up one night this week. You can thank me later. Also, if you have any favorite week night meals I would love to hear about them! Share in the comments section below, and we can all benefit!

Have a great day Lovelies.



P.S. Like what you are reading? Go ahead and subscribe by entering your email address into the form on the left-hand side of this page so that you never miss a post! Or, you can follow me on Bloglovin. Also, follow along on instagram and pinterest!

Simple Joys

Photo: Author-Stratton, VT

Simple Joys

The secret things you whisper to your dog.

A cold, cold glass of rosé.

That still moment before anyone wakes up in the morning. 

The sea's breeze.

Good coffee.

The feeling of being completely submerged.

An afternoon spent painting.

Your favorite book.

Sitting outside during the golden hour.

Bare feet.

Having tea around the island in your parent's kitchen.

Sleeping in during a rain storm.

Farm to table.

His fierce heart.

A really good story.

Bluebells blanketing the forest floor.

Being nose to nose with a horse.

Writing when inspiration strikes. 

Climbing into bed with your best friend after the best night.

Lilacs, Lily of the Valley, and Daffodils in the Spring.

Knowing you are forgiven. 


Happy Monday Everyone.



Monday: Grateful

Sunday walk in Pensacola Beach

Ah, Monday... today I am writing while John studies furiously for his first test of API. This is his second phase of flight school, and the academics are tough. I am doing everything I can to be supportive, including pirating my best friend Danielle's chicken curry recipe for tonight, per JB's request. Brain food. 

Anyhoo, I wanted to start the week off with a note of gratefulness to everyone who has checked out the Gallivant, been reading, shared, and subscribed in the past few weeks--thank you so much. It is crazy to me that over 1,200 people have stopped by since my first post. This is becoming a wonderful and exciting space for me, and I am so excited to keep growing it and sharing with you.  Figuring out newlywed life, the Navy, flight school, moving, my writing career, and a brand new place is all at once exciting and (at times) scary, but I will strive to be as honest as possible in hopes that anyone who is going through any or all of those things will have a place to come and feel like like they are understood. And anyone who is just here to stay up to date on the Richeys--we love you too! 

Please know also that your comments make my day, so please feel free to jump in, comment on posts, say hi, introduce yourself even. I would love to meet you! 

On this note, I wanted to share some of my favorite blogs today. If the Gallivant is your first venture into the blogging world--welcome, and let me open the gates a little wider for you. If you already read tons of blogs then please feel free to post your favorites in the comments section below! The following blogs are written by some incredible men and women who have inspired me so much in the past few years, whether in the kitchen, in marriage and relationships, in travel, in style, in design, in writing, in the way they raise their kids, or just with wonderful wisdom. I follow all of them religiously, using feedly, and have been so grateful that they have been willing to share their lives via their blogs. So, grab a mug of tea and settle down to do some reading when you need a boost to make it through your monday. :-)

Hither and Thither: A lovely lifestyle and travel blog based in Davis, California. 

Cup of Jo: If you have never heard of it, you have so much to catch up on! Joanna is the coolest.

Smitten Kitchen: Aka the blog that birthed the cookbook we live by. 

Frugal by Choice, Cheap by Necessity: A wonderful blog based in Washington state (jealous) all about being frugal, with tons of cool gardening, cooking, and budgeting tips. She is also hilarious. 

Gal Meets Glam: Love this girl. She is young, married, lives in San Fran, and has impeccable style.

May Richer Fuller Be: My friend Chaney's wonderful blog with tons of incredible DIY and organizational projects.

David Lebovitz: A world-class chef and baker living in Paris. Duh.

Oh Joy!: Such fun craft, party, style, and food ideas. 

Like I said, these are my standbys, but coming up later this week is a list of some of my new faves! 



This little guy digs the beach! This weekend was a blast getting to know him and adjusting to having a little shadow trotting around at my heels all over the apartment...