Happy Friday + Quick Trip to Boston

I have a been a little naughty this week in neglecting the blog...The truth is that I have been busy getting ready to head up to Boston to attend Wayfair's Home For the Holidays Blogging Conference! I cannot tell you how excited I am to attend the event, which is being hosted with Boston Bloggers, and meet some of the faces behind the amazing blogs and companies from my hometown. It is also such a treat to be up in New England at this point in the season. It isn't quite freezing yet, but the foliage is amazing--the collection above is from my run this morning.

Right now I am sitting in my parents office while sipping a hot cup of coffee, and looking out at the brightly colored maple trees that line our driveway-- bringing back lots of nostalgic feelings of when I used to come home occasionally on the weekends from boarding school and do homework in this very spot, just as Autumn is about to round the corner into the holidays. We aren't able to make it up for Thanksgiving this year, so I am beyond grateful for this time to touch down and soak up the season for a few days. I would love to talk about the idea of "Home" and how it shifts in marriage, is complicated and a little confusing sometimes, but I think that deserves a whole post of it's own. All I can say is that I am happy to be here, and will be happy to go home to my husband on Monday. 

I hope you all have a lovely weekend! Expect a full round of posts next week, and in the weeks to come--I have so many ideas brewing. As always, thank you so much for stopping by. 

