Bath: Last day (JB)

Today was our last full day together before I head off to Doolin to meet up with the Quinn family. Still feeling a bit under the weather, I managed to fight through the day so that we could go see Stonehenge this morning.

We got on a bus with a tour bus company called Scarper Tours. By reserving a spot for the bus the day before with a small deposit, we were guaranteed seats for 10am. Including the entry to Stonehenge, it was about twenty pounds per person. I think it was well worth it and super convenient -- especially since it was Stonehenge (kind of a must see). The Stonehenge tour came with a free audioguide. Also, there were some cool sites along the way to Stonehenge, as well as some awesome views.

The site was actually really cool. The stones were about as big or even a little bigger than I had expected. Before we left, the weather report said that it was going to be 70 degrees and Sunny... Well, it was about 55 and rainy! Emily was very under dressed so she succumbed to looking like a mega tourist and bought a Stonehenge hoody to try and keep some of the rain at bay. We kind of rushed around the monument and took as many pictures as we could. The audioguide was really good, giving lots of info on the stages of Stonehenge, which span centuries. Pretty mind blowing.

Once we got off the bus tour, we ate at Pizza Express. Although some might be turned off by the fact that it is a bit of a chain restaurant, I had a yummy pizza with goat cheese and Emily got a nice salad.

This afternoon we took the skyline tour of Bath. It covered the outskirts of the city, and the foothills around it. Very pleasant ride. Learned a lot about all of the famous people that lived in Bath and the architecture, as well as all the small hamlets in the area. From the bus we could also look down on an incredible view of Bath. Bath is regarded as one of the most beautiful cities in England and highly renown for its Georgian style. The limestone used on the buildings is large and use very little cement of connect the stones.

Tonight we are going to have a nice dinner at the Brasserie Blanc since it will be our last night together for five weeks.

-John and Emily


This post was meant to be posted last night (6/7) and somehow made it into the drafts folder. Johnboy is now on his way to Ireland!